Thank You to Our Generous
Safety Campaign Sponsors!
Leon Football relies on the support of our local community to make each season a success! Your support helped Leon Football purchase new helmets, guardian caps and other necessary safety equipment.
Our players are working to build a brighter future for Leon Football.
Your support makes this possible!
Rodney Alan
Clay and Patti Ketcham
Bo Manausa
Mike Millikan
Theo Strauss
Paul Williamson
R.C. Adams
Ali Barrett
Meredith Beckham
Christy Brodeur
Abby Brooks
Jeff Cameron
Jack Campbell
Shelia Carroll
Christine Chiricos
Cayce Daniels
Jill and Tad David
Margaret Fergus
Florida Osteopathic
Sara and Eric Grant
James Hawk
Laura Jo Hewitt
Patricia Hinton
Thomas Inserra
Laura and Brett Ketcham
Joe Manausa
Don Novin
John Olsen-Doolan
Anthony Powell
Sterling Powell
Todd Rio
Valerie Scoon
Shannon Smith
Strauss Investments
Dwaine Taylor
Jamey Thompson
Josh Trafton